Wednesday 13 January 2010

Sleep... I wish,,,

Semester 2, Day 3

As everyone will note, I did not write yesterday all due to a chain of events that led to me not going to class. Second day of the semester and I didn't even show up. That has to be a record.

Chain of Events

1. Professor improperly timing his lectures so we had 2 hours for 30 minutes of material. Is 30 minutes of lecture incentive enough to get me out of bed at 7:45? Obviously not...

2. 2:30AM fire drill. Props to the ass who decided smashing the break glass and pushing the button was an awesome idea in the middle of the night in like 10 degree weather with snow and crap. I am 186% positive alcohol was involved considering the way teens drink over here. I'm not saying US college students drink any less, but here it's legal. They can do it publicly. Maybe it's to give everyone the chance to wash the taste of the food out of their mouths, but then, I would be going straight for the rubbing alcohol, none of this weak 150 proof crap.

3. My BEST friend in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD...the twat in our building who thinks kicking your door and shouting your name is an appropriate form of communication. I now know the girl two doors down is named Laura and that she's either a very deep sleeper or is never in at 4 AM on Monday or Tuesday mornings when my BEST FRIEND comes calling. Next time, I'm going have a paintball gun ready. Lets see if he comes around again when they can't walk straight. Inhibiting his ability to have children would be an added bonus.

[I would insert a picture of him here, but you all already know what an ass looks like...]

Thus, I did not go to class yesterday.

Needless to say, the night time disruptions left me sleeping until 3:30 in the afternoon and consequently awake until 6AM.

Hooray for 1.5 hours of sleep before class. I was definitely not a productive member.

On the plus, we did learn gross anatomy for the neurosystem. A topic they decided we could teach ourselves for the renal system. What am I paying for again? They should be paying me for all the teaching I have to do.

Anyway, after class was naptime until dinner and then a bunch of wasted time in between then and now. Align Centre

There was some talking to my boy and catching up on shows in there as well, but I do believe my dour mood will remain until April when Glee returns... Ahhh...Glee...


tristan said...

dang - sounds like you had an interesting night. so the ass the kicks the should go kick him at four in the morning and see how he likes it...

I can't talk about Glee - it makes me get all teary. All I will say is that I'm waiting for April too. <3