Monday 11 January 2010

The Dawn of a New Era...Or Just More Work...

I figure the first day of classes of the new semester is a fitting day to start a new blog. I was hoping to get this started at the beginning of the year, but with bureaucracy and 2 weeks of catch up, blogging just slipped to the wayside. Maybe writing will give me a little insight about school, life whatever. I hope so because when it comes to insight, I'm usually about as good as a white crayon in Antarctica

Semester 2, Day 1

So we spent the morning in class learning about neurotransmission in the brain. Honestly, I have little love for the professor because of his previous comments about the state of my character, but neurotransmission itself is pretty friggin' sweet. The only reason I say that is because it's one of those intricate little beauties that makes me stop and think, "Wow, God, that was some pretty cool crap you made up." I mean...the whole concept is based upon an equilibrium of two other separate equilibriums, concentration and charge. For those who don't know or just want a refresher course in diffusion, things like to equal out on two sides of a membrane. Think of a party. It works best if the guests are spread out between all the rooms. Getting stuck in the room by yourself with the gangly guy who looks like he did a faceplant in the stretch of life called puberty is super awkward, especially if everyone else is in the other room. On the other hand, you have charge. Positives hate each other, negatives hate each other, but positives and negatives are inseparable. So, if you get a bunch of positives together on one side of the membrane, a few of them try to escape to the other side until it's fairly balanced out. In neurotransmission, all these things play like mega twister until everything balances out and you can get nerve impulses. Pretty cool if you ask me.

An Action Potential (Like I said...Friggin' Sweet!)

Of course...we had two lectures this morning with that professor and are supposed to be expecting 2 more tomorrow. I count 4 lectures...I could be wrong, but I think it's four (And no, Mom, in this case, 4 really means 4). He gave us 18 pages of notes, so I assumed we would get through 9 pages today and 9 pages tomorrow. You know, split things up evenly. Noooooooo...... Of course we can't divide properly. We went through 15 pages today leaving 4 pages for the 2 hours of class tomorrow. So I ask it really worth getting up at 7am to go to what will turn out to be 3o minutes of class for the entire day? The little devil on my shoulder gives a big resounding "NO!" Of course, the angel on my other shoulder completely agreed, so I don't think I'll bother wasting my time and sleep for 30 minutes of crap I can teach myself.

Last but not least, I spent the last 4 hours of my school day standing ankle deep in hay and cow patties learning about calf husbandry. Granted, the calves are really cute if you can ignore the diarrhea caking their entire back ends. Crap that's probably laden with nasty little buggers like Crypto and Lord knows what else waiting to ambush me and give me a semi-permanent case of the ups and the outs. Oh Joy! Not to mention that it was colder than a witch's tit out in the middle of nowhere Scotland. (Thank you, Mr. Randy and Mr. Joe for pulling that little phrase to the forefront of my brain!) My toes had become poor little toecicles long before we were able to go inside.

Aww....Look how cute they are! You want to take one home don't you!

Then, you see this end...

A note on cow breeds... To me, a cow is a cow is a cow... They're all big and smelly and something I never ever have to work with again. Sheep breeds are a different story. I sort my sheep into two categories: Big Pains in the Ass I Have No Chance of Flipping...Ever (BPAIHNCOF...E) and Small Buggers Who I can Flip but Are No Less of a Pain in the Ass (SMWICFANLPA). I hope the recognize my acronyms on the test. If not, you all can enlighten them.

Brown Cow White Cow

Holy Cow!
That is the extent of my cow identification.



That was the entirety of my school day...

I then came home, ate some more of the worst food imaginable (...Well maybe not imaginable, but, believe me, the food sucks. I'll rant about that some other day), wasted a bunch of time playing Freecell and Mahjong, and finally talked to my Darling who's jetsetting about sitting for interviews and some such.

He was sweet enough to give me the address to his blog, a space I had wanted to reserve for him and his writings and rantings. For some reason, he wanted me to have it. His entries made me laugh...and cry...(Don't tell him that, he'll get upset...), but they really made me feel loved... Well, one made me feel like a horrible girlfriend (I'll have to apologize later...), but mostly they made me feel loved. It does cheer me up a little to know that, stuck over here as I am in SUNNY Scotland in a WONDERFUL program... Yay....

Look, there he is making a retarded face. Just like in every other picture I took of us together.

I've now decided to design a font that will solely be used to represent sarcasm in text. Be prepared for my literary break through soon.


tristan said... lost me at diarrhea...they are cute, those little cows...but the, thank you!
i'm glad you're blogging. :) i will be your faithful follower. i cant wait to hear more about school and such. did you take some of these pictures? get that digital camera out, girlfriend!!! what does your school look inside? your classrooms? do you take your computer for notes or do you write notes by hand? tell us more!