Thursday 28 January 2010


*shuffles around like a zombie*

I have completely given up on counting days. It's the Thursday of the third week.

So the past couple of weeks have been Neurology and Cardiology, and I got to take some pretty cool pictures in lab after I cut open some poor sheep's brain. Needless to say, sheep have pretty small brains. It kind of makes me laugh now when Jesus calls us sheep, because we must seem pretty dumb.

So I figured I would put up some pictures of the school and our classroom, affectionately called "The Dungeon," because of its serious lack of windows and the perpetual chill. You know something is wrong when the class is wearing their winter jackets inside, but I think it's the schools way of torturing us and having a laugh...or some kind of scientific experiment to see if temperature impairs learning.

Here's Summerhall where most all my classes are. The building is rather pretty on the outside. Too bad by next October, it will be sold and torn down.
(Also note the beautiful Scottish weather...clouds + rain)

This is the entry stairwell with the pretty stained glass windows. The man in the window is William Dick, and he looks rather like a gorilla in my opinion. I'll have to get a closer picture for next time. One happy note, they are taking the stained glass windows with them when we move to the new vet campus out in the boonies.

This is The Dungeon (Evelyn Head Lecture Theatre). The chalkboards are really weird, they're made of some sort of fabric, like the pull-down projector screens. (When you look at this, you have to picture it with 3/4 of the lights off...dim and cold and creepy!)

Here's the dissecting room, which I think is the coolest room ever. Unfortunately, my lovely classmates are in the way of the big horse and cow skeletons at one end, but you get the idea.

And if you're wondering what's on all those big white trays.....

That's right! Brains! Sheep brains!
This one was about the size of my palm. There were some bigger ones, but still.
To give you a comparison, I think they said we have a brain that's like 1500 grams compared to a horse's 450 grams.

And here is a slice of brain. The lovely hand model is Nicole (I think).

And last but not least...

Here's some MRI scans from a dog with a really big tumor. I think it's cool. Do you love your dog enough to pay $2000 for an MRI?


tristan said...

holy cow, mandy! (no pun intended) that building looks incredible! that's neat that you're going to experience a whole new campus - even if it is out in the boondocks.

i have never seen a brain before! even if its just a sheep's brain. that's incredible. the dissection room looks so sterile and...err...scientific.

does it make me a total "b" to say, no, i wouldn't spend two grand on an MRI for my Scouty Scout? just wondering... i miss you, friend.